
Of the National Association of Student Anthropologists
a Section of the American Anthropological Association
(as amended effective June 2019)


Article I. Name

Section 1.01 The Section shall be known as the National Association of Student Anthropologists (NASA), a Section of the American Anthropological Association (AAA).


Article II. Purpose

Section 2.01 Its purpose shall be to stimulate and encourage the interests and involvement of both graduate and undergraduate students in anthropology.


Article III. Powers

Section 3.01 The Section shall be autonomous in all matters of student concern that are not reserved by the Bylaws of the AAA, inimical to the AAA’s interests, or prohibited by law.

Section 3.02 The Section shall have elected or appointed officers as set forth in these Bylaws.

Section 3.03 The Section is empowered to determine membership dues.

Section 3.04 The Section shall determine voting requirements on all Section matters.

Section 3.05 The Section may engage in publishing and program activities; may appoint editors, committees, and other agents; and may set publication and program policies appropriate to its purposes.

Section 3.06 The Section shall adopt and maintain Bylaws or Rules of Procedure consistent with the Bylaws of the AAA. The Section shall file with the AAA Secretary a copy of its current Bylaws, Rules of Procedure, and Table of Organization.


Article IV. Membership

Section 4.01 Membership in the Section shall be open to any student in good standing with the AAA who supports the above purposes, subject to the payment of dues stipulated by the Executive Committee of the Section.

Section 4.02 A member in good standing shall be eligible to hold elective or appointive office, participate in the Annual Meeting, receive publications, and have one vote in nominating and electing officers and the transaction of other business of the Section.

Section 4.03 Students shall remain members of the Section as long as they maintain student membership status in the AAA.

Section 4.04 Should an Executive Committee member cease to meet AAA student membership criteria during their term of office, they shall be allowed to continue as a Section member and an Executive Committee member until the next regularly scheduled election.

Section 4.05 For just cause, a member may be deprived of membership by two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee, subject to appeal to the members at the Annual Meeting.


Article V. Dues

Section 5.01 The Executive Committee shall set the annual dues of members and may establish rates for special categories.

Section 5.02 Members in arrears in the payment of dues shall lose all membership privileges.


Article VI. Officers

Section 6.01 The officers shall be President, President-Elect, Secretary-Treasurer, Student Anthropologist Editor, and Anthropology News Contributing Editor.

Section 6.02 The President will serve a one-year term as President-Elect, followed by another year as President. The President shall be the presiding officer of the Section and, should the Section be entitled to such representation, its first representative on the Board of Directors of the AAA and its representative on the Executive Committee of the AAA. The primary duties of the President shall be to assure the external affairs of the Section and to chair the NASA Executive Committee.

Section 6.03 The President-Elect will serve a one-year term as President-Elect, followed by another year as President. The President-Elect is responsible for internal communications within NASA, coordinating the activities of committees, and facilitating NASA’s transition into the following year.

Section 6.04 The Secretary-Treasurer shall have charge of the records of the Section and shall submit a draft budget for the approval of the Executive Committee not less than sixty days before the Annual Meeting. The Secretary-Treasurer will also be responsible for handling Section financial affairs, including travel reimbursements and award money disbursal. Additionally, they will be responsible for taking and disseminating minutes from NASA Business and Executive Committee meetings.

Section 6.05 The E-Journal Editor will be responsible for editing and producing NASA’s web-based journal. The editor will solicit articles and work with the E-Journal committee and the AAA Publications representatives to create and disseminate the journal.

Section 6.06 The Anthropology News Contributing Editor is responsible for NASA’s presence in Anthropology News. The editor will solicit contributions for the student column in addition to using the column for NASA information dispersal.

Section 6.07 Each officer will have one vote in matters involving the Executive Committee.

Section 6.08 The terms of all officers shall be two years, except as noted above for the President and the President-Elect, commencing at the end of the Annual Meeting of the AAA.


Article VII. Executive Committee

Section 7.01 There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of the officers and four members elected at-large from the membership of the Section.

Section 7.02 The four members elected at-large will consist of two graduate students and two undergraduate students. This designation will be determined by student status at the time of election to the Executive Committee.

Section 7.03 All members of the Executive Committee will have one vote each in matters involving the Executive Committee.

Section 7.04 Subject to directives and limitations imposed by the members of the Section, the Executive Committee shall have the authority to execute on behalf of the Section all powers and functions defined by these Bylaws.

Section 7.05 The Executive Committee shall meet at least once annually, at the time of the Annual Meeting, and may meet additionally on the call of the President or a majority vote of the Executive Committee.

Section 7.06 The Executive Committee shall make all non-elective appointments and may make interim appointments to fill vacancies in any elective office until the next regularly scheduled election.

Section 7.07 The terms of office of all Executive Committee members shall be two years, except for the President and President-Elect, who will serve one year as President-Elect and one year as President.

Section 7.08 All terms of office will commence at the end of the Annual Meeting of the AAA.

Section 7.09 In the event that an elected officer does not commence their duties within one month